Grade Level: 4th Grade and above
Ranked 5/5
Illustrations: Susan Jeffers

I loved reading "
Cinderella". It really brought me back to my childhood and I found myself re-reading this book at least three times. The images just jumped off the pages and the words flowed so smoothly. It's the classic story of rags to riches, but has such deep morals embedded throughout the story. Cinderella is a character that everyone can connect with at one point or another. She is so admirable and her ability to make the best out of a bad situation is endearing and admirable. Her spirit drives her nature, and it makes the reader so thrilled when she finally has her happy ending through all that she has overcome. Also the magic that is expressed throughout the pages makes the story so much fun to read. I love the idea that mice can be turned into horses and a pumpkin can be transformed into a magical carriage. I personally become frustrated when Cinderella's magic and happiness can only last until midnight however, it just makes the ending so much more rewarding for the reader since her dream has really come true. I also think that the most admirable part about Cinderella is that she is able to forgive her evil step sisters for all the pain and hardship that they have caused her and she even goes to the extent of giving them a room in the castle. This just implies the power of forgiveness and the importance of family. It is essential to support them through anything no matter what mistakes they have made in the past. I also think it is admirable that Cinderella is not afraid to be herself and when the prince comes looking for her; even though she is considered a poor "Cinderwench" she is proud of herself as an individual and no longer needs to hide behind the magic that her fairy godmother provides her with.
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