Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Literary Elements
I think that knowing and understanding the literary elements plays a significant role in understanding the concept of a story. In order to fully understand the concept that the author is trying to convey to the reader it is crucial that they appreciate the perspective that is being portrayed. The literary functions are a universal form that are used by the author in order to convey a particular meaning using specific techniques in order to properly express their feelings, emotions, and opinions in a manner that is visually appealing and mentally interesting. Authors use these specific elements in order to give meaning to their words and create a message that readers can understand and appreciate. These elements also provide a framework when comparing literature amongst different authors in addition to different styles of writing and literature. These techniques help to define the story when they begin to coexist with one another, and if the reader does not understand the structure of the story itself then they will not be able to experience the literary meanings on a deeper level of understanding. The use of these elements are also used to describe the emotion that is expressed towards a specific area or concept, and without full appreciation of each puzzle piece than the whole picture may not be put into perspective accurately.
"The Three Little Pigs" By: Steven Kellogg
Grade Level: 1st Grade and above
Rating: 4/5
Illustrations: Steven Kellogg
"The Three Little Pigs" rewritten By Steven Kellogg is a new and refreshing take on the classic story of the three little pigs. The three pigs' mother, Serafina, didn't have enough money to support her three piglets so she decided to create a traveling waffle iron and start a business to feed the entire town. I think that this concept demonstrates the idea of hard work and how with the support of family and friends in addition to a good attitude you are capable of succeeding. Once the big bad wolf approaches their waffle stand the three pigs stand together in order to ward him off by using vegetables as ammunition. However, only with the help of their role model and support system Serafina can they rid their town of the wolf forever. After the wolf attempts to come down the chimney the three pigs and their mother trap him in the waffle iron and smother him with syrup until he surrenders. This story demonstrates the importance of family, and how they are a constant support system no matter how far away. When Serafina came all the way back from the Gulf of Pasta in order to help her pigs defeat the wolf it reminded me how my Mom drove over three hours to Iowa to cheer me up when I was having a stressful week. It just reminded me the true significance of family and how much I appreciate my own. I think the overall concept of rewriting a story can encourage the use of creativity and imagination in the classroom. I hope that by exploring this idea students will be able to expand their thinking and create something new and original through the inspiration of another persons work, or even take their own work and transform it to a new level. I always enjoyed working in groups when I was in school because I was able to hear the perspectives of others in order to elaborate on my own ideas and opinions. I think that this concept is similar and would be a good method to help students overcome writers block or to be used as a brainstorming exercise.
Rating: 4/5
Illustrations: Steven Kellogg

"Nora's Ark" By: Natalie Kinsey
Grade Level: Third and above
Rating: 5/5
Illustrations: Emily Arnold McCully
"Nora's Ark" is a very inspiring book and implies so many good morals to young readers. The plot of this book is based off of the bible story "Noah's Ark" however this story takes place on a farm and is about a man who is building a new house for his wife. While Grandma thinks that the house is unnecessary at the time it turns out that this house was the only thing that helped the town survive the Vermont Flood of 1927 since it was on such high ground. One of my favorite lines in this books is "is just gravy". This line suggests that while "gravy" is nice it isn't necessary in order to enjoy "mashed potatoes" which is used to reference life. This teaches children to appreciate the things that they have and also suggests that materialistic items aren't essential in order to be happy. The things you can't live without are the things you can't replace such as friends and family. "I never sanded them out because they remind me of what's important: family and friends and neighbors helping neighbors. Like Grandma said, everything else is just gravy". I think that this line is so powerful since it references a term that was established the first page of the book and reinforces the significance behind the overall meaning of the book. Also the characters of Grandma and Grandpa are two of the most generous people you could imagine. Grandma allows most of the town into her home in order to keep them safe from the storm. In addition to that she provides them with bread and blankets and even lets farm animals into her brand new home. Also Grandpa went into the storm with the neighborhood boys to help them herd their cattle to higher ground, he risked his own life in order to help others. The concept of death is also touched on in the story when all of Grandma and Grandpa's farm animals die however, Grandma expresses that everything will be alright as long as they have each other. Even though they were basically starting their lives over nothing else mattered except that they were all safe. Grandpa is not afraid to express his emotion when he cries about the loss of their animals, this can teach children that no matter how old you are it good to show how you feel. When the entire neighborhood came together in a time of crisis they supported one another and showed compassion, and that friendship and generosity is how these individuals survived the flood. All of these concepts should be exhibited in the classroom because they exemplify such good morals and show children the meaning of appreciation and love. This book inspired me personally, and I hope to use it in my own classroom in order to set an example for my students through the admirable qualities of Grandma, Grandpa, and the whole town.
Rating: 5/5
Illustrations: Emily Arnold McCully

"Crookjaw" By: Caron Lee Cohen
Grade Level: Fourth Grade and above
Rating: 4/5
Illustrations: Linda Bronson
"Crookjaw" is an example of a traditional fisherman's folktale. The plot of this story is very exciting and keeps the reader's attention throughout the course of the book. This tale is about Ichabod Paddock, who is living legend when it comes to hunting whales however, he soon meets his match when he falls under the spell of the bewitched Crookjaw. He can only be saved by his wife Smilinda who knows that the only way to kill a witch is with a pure silver. Although Crookjaw was the only whale to ever escape Ichabod's grave skill of hunting, Ichabod was now free from the spell of that lured him into the belly of the whale. This popular folktale originates in New England from a period when witches were thought to inhabit the bellies of whales. I think that this book was very entertaining to read, and I think that this adventurous tale would be very appealing to young minds. I also think that this book can be inspiring to young girls since the heroine in this story was the reason why Ichabod was set free from the witches spell. I think that in the classroom this book can be used as a historical reference when discussing folktales in addition to a discussion of the genre of fantasy. The images that are used in this book are simple yet very exciting and fun. These images remind me of my own attempt at artwork and its inspiring how such a powerful story can come from such simple illustrations. The way the book is written is very upbeat and exciting it also introduces the concept of a literary twist at the end of a story. I didn't expect the woman inside of Crookjaw to be a witch and this element just made the story that much more exciting and suspenseful. The images of this book also remember characters that are of African American origin so this book can also be discussed in a cultural context, and allow students of different races and heritages to make more of a connection to this specific book in comparison to others.
Rating: 4/5
Illustrations: Linda Bronson

"A Rainbow of Friends" By: P.K. Hallinan
Grade Level: 1st Grade and above
Rating: 4/5
Illustrations: P.K. Hallinan
"A Rainbow of Friends" is a very meaningful story for children. It addresses some really powerful issues through the power of its simplicity. Through the poetry like expression the author uses each line flows so smoothly into the next. This book expresses the significance of uniqueness in others and the importance of acceptance of everyone. It suggests that children should accept everyone, including those of different genders, races, and cultures. Hallinan also implies that you should not shy away from others who are disabled or who see the world differently than you do. This book was very inspirational to me as an adult; I can only imagine the positive impact that it illuminates in the classroom. So much is said through the images of this book; it demonstrates children of different races, genders, cultures and abilities getting along and supporting one another. The pages of this book transition from something as simple as different hobbies to something as powerful as cultural acceptance. It also demonstrates uncomfortable situations such as a first interaction with a peer who is blind however, the situation is embraced and these children are valued for their differences. The importance of connecting with one another no matter how different your perspectives or opinions may be is shown through something as simple as dying your hair blue. It is important to encourage your friends to be themselves, and that they know you will be there to support them no matter what. I think it is never too early to start teaching students the importance of acceptance and support. The elementary years may be the first time some students have ever encountered an individual who is different from them and the concept of this book is crucial in order to establish a positive classroom environment. This book teaches students to never judge a book by its cover, and such a simple idea can make all the difference in the classroom and even in society in general. If students aren't comfortable with their own identity they will never be comfortable expressing themselves in a classroom if they do not feel completely welcomed and at home.
Rating: 4/5
Illustrations: P.K. Hallinan

"Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type" By: Doreen Cronin
Grade Level: Kindergarden and above
Rating: 3/5
Illustrations: Betsy Lewin

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
"Moonlight- the Halloween Cat" By: Cynthia Rylant
I really enjoyed the simplicity of "Moonlight- the Halloween Cat" By: Cynthia Rylant. The illustrations really made the story come alive, and they were created by acrylic and colored pencil on a hot- pressed water color paper. The main character of the book, "Moonlight" is a very lovable can that captures the hearts of the readers. She expresses his fondness of Halloween, and suggests that it is a time when everyone disregards their identities in order to come together as a community. The importance of companionship is also expressed, Moonlight conveys how they pumpkins smile at her and the "straw laps" of the scarecrows are very inviting. She also follows the children even though they do not know. The actual "moonlight" is conveyed as a God-like figure that looks out for all however, on Halloween the moonlight is especially bright. This book portrays Moonlight as a guardian figure for the children. At times though I was sad for Moonlight since she looked forward to this time of year so that she would be surrounded by others; it did make me grateful for my own friends and family that surround me constantly and are always there as a support system.
"Jumanji" By: Chris Van Allsburg
I really enjoyed reading "Jumanji" By: Chris Van Allsburg. I really enjoyed the illustrations that were exhibited throughout the book; they really demonstrated the boredom of the two siblings. I think that its humorous how Judy and Peter expect the game to be boring. Even the directions state that this game is "designed for the bored and restless" however, Peter still seems skeptical. It isn't until he sees the lion sitting on top of the piano behind him does he decide that the game Jumanji doesn't meet his previous assumptions. I think the fact that the jungle will not go away until the game is completed is suggestive towards readers in relation to everyday problems, and how the only way they will disappear is if you conquer them head on. This book also represents support within the family; even when Peter wanted to quit the game Judy encouraged him to keep going. I also think that the concept of reading directions encourages readers to pay attention to their surroundings so that they are aware of what is occurring in their surrounding environment. I really enjoyed the black and white illustrations and I think it represented the fact that it is up to you as a reader and as an individual to color your own world with excitement.
"Where the Wild Things Are" By: Maurice Sendak
"Where the Wild Things Are" By: Maurice Sendak has always been a personal favorite of mine. I love the how the simplicity of this story can expand the imagination of any reader. The story is based around Max, who is punished by his Mother after misbehaving while wearing a wolf costume. When he is sent to his room it is transformed into a great forest that is filled with wild creatures. Max conquers the ferocious beats and is made their new king, but finds that he is rather homesick so he returns to his room where he finds dinner waiting for him. This story truly represents the extensive potential of a child's imagination, and I think it will encourage students to use their creativity in everyday situations. I think this story also expresses how it is important to not take for granted the comforts of home. To me personally I find this book very reassuring because it reminds me of my own parents, and now matter how far I travel, physically or mentally, my family will always be there to support me no matter what.
"Caroline" By: Neil Gaiman
I thoroughly enjoyed flipping through the pages of "Coraline" By: Neil Gaiman. His unique sense of fantasy opens up new worlds through the eyes of readers. Caroline is a young girl who is living in a boarding house with her barely there parents however, her curiosity sends her exploring and she discovers a new and exciting world. This world, while oddly resembles her own, is full of wonder and majesty. When Coraline's parents go missing it is up to her to save them from her evil "Other Mother". Her journey takes her down a path of challenges that she must overcome in order to become reunited with her family. I think this novel is full of excitement and mystery, and agree that students would greatly appreciate Coraline's wit and persistence. While this book may have some scenes that are a bit frightening I think that it is important for students to understand the concept of overcoming their fears in order to accomplish greatness such as Coraline did. This novel represents the path Coraline takes in order to understand her identity, and the future that she wants for herself.
Green Truck Giveaway By: Jacqueline Briggs Martin
I thoroughly enjoyed reading the "Green Truck Giveaway" By: Jacqueline Briggs Martin. When two visitors drive through town passing out GREEN TRUCK ALMANACS, or beginning gardening books, the neighbors on Second Street were skeptical. However, they were introduced to gardening that represents each of their lifestyles and personalities. This book demonstrates the joy and excitement that gardening can bring for anyone. Even the grump of a neighbor McDermitt, who requested prickly thorn bushes that would keep people out of his yard, was thrilled when his plants turned into roses and raspberries. This book suggests that plants, flowers, and vegetables promote giving and happiness. Each page of this book contains something extra that the reader may have not expected. In addition to the terrific illustrations every page has a fun fact about gardening such as recipes, gardening in different countries, how to plant your own garden, garden insect repellent, and so much more! As I turn the pages I'm crawling deeper into the heart of the story and learning something exciting and new. I was actually inspired to start planting a garden of my own, Jacqueline Briggs Martin has done it again!
Monday, September 13, 2010
The Water Gift and the Pig of the Pig By: Jacqueline Briggs Martin

Jacqueline Briggs Martin

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