Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"The Three Little Pigs" By: Steven Kellogg

Grade Level: 1st Grade and above
Rating: 4/5
Illustrations: Steven Kellogg 

"The Three Little Pigs" rewritten By Steven Kellogg is a new and refreshing take on the classic story of the three little pigs. The three pigs' mother, Serafina, didn't have enough money to support her three piglets so she decided to create a traveling waffle iron and start a business to feed the entire town. I think that this concept demonstrates the idea of hard work and how with the support of family and friends in addition to a good attitude you are capable of succeeding. Once the big bad wolf approaches their waffle stand the three pigs stand together in order to ward him off by using vegetables as ammunition. However, only with the help of their role model and support system Serafina can they rid their town of the wolf forever. After the wolf attempts to come down the chimney the three pigs and their mother trap him in the waffle iron and smother him with syrup until he surrenders. This story demonstrates the importance of family, and how they are a constant support system no matter how far away. When Serafina came all the way back from the Gulf of Pasta in order to help her pigs defeat the wolf it reminded me how my Mom drove over three hours to Iowa to cheer me up when I was having a stressful week. It just reminded me the true significance of family and how much I appreciate my own. I think the overall concept of rewriting a story can encourage the use of creativity and imagination in the classroom. I hope that by exploring this idea students will be able to expand their thinking and create something new and original through the inspiration of another persons work, or even take their own work and transform it to a new level. I always enjoyed working in groups when I was in school because I was able to hear the perspectives of others in order to elaborate on my own ideas and opinions. I think that this concept is similar and would be a good method to help students overcome writers block or to be used as a brainstorming exercise.  

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